Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hilton Head Pics

Matthew and Jack spent a lot of time catching lizards and toads. What are little boys made of?
On our last day we went to a sand bar. We saw horse shoe crabs, baby sharks, jellyfish, sand dollars, starfish, and lots and lots of shells. We rode bikes to get there. It was probably about a 12 mile trip. Jack did it, but his little legs were worn out by the time we got back. Not to mention mom's. It didn't help poor Jack that his bike was too big for him. I have to say- I was very proud of him.

A shark that was caught on Jimmy and Matthew's fishing trip.
Nice hair! The boys loved to skim board, it was a little too windy this night though.
Full of curiousity!!
Matthew is so excited to get on that fishing boat!

Skim Boarding Fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! The boys look so happy. Is Matthew as tall as Jim? It looks like in the pictures. I can't wait to see everyone. Someone has a birthday coming up very soon, hm-mm, I wonder who it is? Chemo, brain I guess- maybe I'll remember.
